Posted on 30/05/2014 in Latest stories

Celebration at the Community Centre

On Tuesday evening the Community Centre hosted a Reception to celebrate the signing of the new lease. The Committee were delighted to welcome members of the many clubs and organisation who use the Centre and whose regular contributions help pay the bills. Also present were residents who have been involved with the running of the Centre in the past. It is this continued support and commitment from so many individuals that makes such an important contribution to the Centre’s success.

Also present was Councillor Mike Jones, the Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council and Councillor Lyn Riley whose responsibility within the Executive is for Localities. The Council are the Centre’s landlords and their support is important in ensuring that the building and the ground are kept well. Providing local services in new and innovative ways is a key policy of the Council and the way the Community Centre is managed ticks many of their boxes.

Alan Wilkinson, Chair of the Committee said ‘It was a great pleasure to welcome our guests and say  a big thank you for their support. The new lease means we can start applying for grants for improvements to the building so we can offer more opportunities for the community to get together. We are very, very ambitious for the Centre’.

After the Reception the Annual General Meeting took place and the Committee was re-elected for the following year. Thanks were given to Richard Orfanelli who stood down as Treasurer after many years of service. Richard was the sole survivor of an earlier Committee whose resignation was the catalyst for change. His contribution has been much appreciated and was marked by the presentation of a small gift. Ted Lush will take over as Treasurer and Sue Hardacre will take the role of the Parish Council representative.

The wine for the event was provided by the local Co-op