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Lyn Brunton Events, Films 04/03/2020

On 6 April 1917, aerial reconnaissance has observed that the German army, which has pulled back from a sector of the Western Front in northern France, is not in retreat.

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The Good Liar (15)

Lyn Brunton Events, Films 22/01/2020

Starring Helen Mirren and Ian McKellan, Roy Courtnay is a long-time con artist who, along with his business partner Vincent, manipulates people into giving him access to their finances through a string of deception and false identities.

In 2009, his latest target is Betty McLeish, a former history teacher at Oxford who lost her husband a year ago and has savings in excess of two million pounds. Betty also reveals that she is suffering from a series of minor strokes that may kill her within a year.

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