This percentage reflects the proportion of the total building area occupied by the Community Centre. The total payment to CWaC is approximately £25,000 a year, and is paid for from lettings, either regular (to village organisations and privately run activities such as ballet classes) or one-off (including social events and private parties).
The Committee has agreed a scale of charges which distinguishes between village organisations, outside organisations, commercial businesses and government/local authorities, and individuals. An additional charge is made if the hirer wishes to run a bar.
Letting rates are reviewed annually and aim to strike a balance between the willingness/ability of users to pay, the desire to see the facilities fully used, and the need to cover costs.
The Community Centre enjoys the support of Tarvin Parish Council, which gives it an annual grant.
The Committee’s policy is to organise a series of cultural and social events during the year, including plays, films, concerts and dances. The main aim is to draw village people from all age groups into the Centre and to enhance the wellbeing of residents, rather than specifically to raise money. Events are also an important source of funds for investment to improve the facilities.